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Waukesha Double Screw Pump – UTS

UTS Twin Screw Pumps Offer Reliability, process flexibility and smooth operation. Does not require an additional centrifugal pump during CIP.


Process Flexibility: During production it is the product delivery pump and during CIP cleaning it is the delivery pump for washing solutions - without the need for an additional centrifugal pump. Gentle product handling: pumps large particles without degradation or damage. Reliable performance: screws made in Allow 88 allow the pump to continue operating even if incidental contact occurs: Competitor pumps will slow down and stop production. Four models available with capacity up to 1200 gpm (277 m3 / hr) and pressures up to 375 psi (25.5 Bar) Easy maintenance: Access to stamps from the front. Bidirectional pumping without the need to make adjustments to the interior of the pump. 3-A compliant sanitary design, USDA, EU Machinery Directive, EHEDG.

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